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3D Prints

Listed here are a few sample 3D prints made from the BYU Campus Model that you can try printing yourself!

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Carl G. Maeser Statue

Difficulty: Easy
File Size: Small
Scalable: Yes
Supports: No, unless printed large
Rafts: No, as long as your surface doesn't stick well
Resolution (Ender 3): From 0.2, 0.16, or 0.12 mm
Infill: 10-20%
Filament material tested: PLA

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2 and 1/2 D Campus

Difficulty: Medium
File Size: Very Large
Scalable: Yes
Supports: No
Rafts: No
Resolution (Ender 3): From 0.2, 0.16, or 0.12 mm
Infill: 10-20% or more
Filament material tested: PLA
*Created from Model Digital Elevation Map (DEM) thus simplifying the model into 2 & 1/2 dimensions.

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BYU Turning Point Cougar Statue

Difficulty: Hard
File Size: Small
Scalable: Yes
Supports: Yes, 70 degrees or steeper. Must carefully remove after printing
Rafts: Optional. Can place model below table in slicer to print without ground (imaged above)
Resolution (Ender 3): From 0.2, 0.16, or 0.12 mm
Infill: 10-20%
Filament material tested: PLA (metallic PLA more difficult)